Buy Sony XSL126P5 12-Inch Subwoofer (Black) at Best Price
You can buy Sony XSL126P5 12-Inch Subwoofer (Black) today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Sony XSL126P5 12-Inch Subwoofer (Black). Also read our Sony XSL126P5 12-Inch Subwoofer (Black) reviews before you decide to buy Sony XSL126P5 12-Inch Subwoofer (Black). Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
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This review is from: Sony XSL126P5 12-Inch Subwoofer (Black) (Electronics)
When I bought this subwoofer I was a little nervous because I had heard many people complaining about the Sony Xplod line of subwoofers. Let me set the record straight, this sub will blow you away. I have this set up through a xm2002gtr (also by Sony) at 500 watts RMS and a 1200 Watt max output. It is incredible. This thing will thump hard! If you tune this right and use a good amp and reciever, this sub will rock your world. I can play any kind of music through it and the notes are clean and very powerful. Huge bass drops and clean kick drum can be expected. Also good for 'normal' bass, it will play country very clean, as well as metal, rap, and anything else that suits your fancy. Incredible price, incredible output, you would be crazy not to buy.
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This review is from: Sony XSL126P5 12-Inch Subwoofer (Black) (Electronics)
The perfect speaker for a sealed box in a SUV. The perfect thump for people who don't like the boomy sound from ported or dual band pass boxes. Nice clean bass no distortion just hard hitting thump.
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