Sony CDXGT540UI MP3/WMA/AAC Player CD Receiver (Black) Reviews

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You can buy Sony CDXGT540UI MP3/WMA/AAC Player CD Receiver (Black) today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Sony CDXGT540UI MP3/WMA/AAC Player CD Receiver (Black). Also read our Sony CDXGT540UI MP3/WMA/AAC Player CD Receiver (Black) reviews before you decide to buy Sony CDXGT540UI MP3/WMA/AAC Player CD Receiver (Black). Anything you have to know about this item, More about this

Sony CDXGT540UI MP3/WMA/AAC Player CD Receiver (Black) Reviews

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Customer Rating:
Rating: 4.6
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Sony CDXGT540UI MP3/WMA/AAC Player CD Receiver (Black)

Sony CDXGT540UI MP3/WMA/AAC Player CD Receiver (Black) Overview:

  • AM/FM radio, CD, CD-R/RW, MP3/WMA/AAC, iPod, USB, SAT/HD-ready receiver
  • 4 x 52 Watts maximum power with 6-channel pre-amp output
  • Blue key illumination
  • Includes direct iPod connection, front auxiliary input, remote control
  • One-year limited warranty

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Sony CDXGT540UI MP3/WMA/AAC Player CD Receiver (Black)

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Sony CDXGT540UI MP3/WMA/AAC Player CD Receiver (Black) Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
116 Reviews
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96 of 96 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars High-End Car Audio In A Mid-Range Receiver Make This A Good Value, November 4, 2009
This review is from: Sony CDXGT540UI MP3/WMA/AAC Player CD Receiver (Black) (Electronics)
I purchased this model for my Nissan Versa without doing any homework on it...a local store was offering free installation along with a sale price, and I noticed it had a front panel USB connector so I was hoping it would play my MP3 files from a flash drive. I wasn't expecting much in terms of quality and features...I figured I didn't need to spend a lot of money since I would be using the 4 pre-wired door speakers that came with my car. To say I was blown away by the sound would be an understatement...I can only imagine what this would sound like with a nice speaker setup. In any case, here's my take on the good and the not-so-good.

Pros: - Detaching the faceplate is easy. Attaching it can be a bit tricky, but with a little practice most
should be able to get it on in under 20 seconds.

- It's loaded with many of the same features of Sony's higher-priced players. There are several
ways to locate a specific track when playing CD-Rs or USB... Read more
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22 of 23 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Hidden Feature, September 13, 2010
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
You DONT need an iPod to use many of the USB input features. I'm using a tiny 2GB Lexar FireFly jump drive in the USB port- which is available through Amazon for about $12. I have loaded it with music and podcast mp3s using Windows Media Player.

I use the Sony controls to scroll through the contents of the flash drive, and can see the name of the Album or file, track name etc displayed. It would be easy to create playlists on the usb to make it even easier to use.

This means the total music "baggage" I need in the car with me is one one inch jump drive; no CDs, no expensive ipod or music player and cables to attract thieves.

I posted a 2 minute video of this Player in action on YouTube you will find it if you search for "Sony CDX-GT540UI".
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17 of 18 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars Awesome Car Audio System for the Money!!, April 16, 2010
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
I am doing a resto-mod 1977 Chrysler Cordoba and wanted to replace the stock AM/FM monoural radio with a modern unit at a price that wouldn't break the bank.

This is a FULL featured unit. The speakers are responsive, crisp. I paired them with the corresponding rear SONY 6x9 speakers and installed it myself in a day.

The controls do take a bit of getting used to like anything else but after awhile it becomes second nature.

My only complaint if you will are the small function knobs which can be difficult to find while you're driving. They are also placed close together so it is easy to inadvertently select the wrong function.

Other than that, as I said in my title an AWESOME unit for the price.
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