Sony CDXGT260MP Car Stereo CD Receiver Reviews

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You can buy Sony CDXGT260MP Car Stereo CD Receiver today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Sony CDXGT260MP Car Stereo CD Receiver. Also read our Sony CDXGT260MP Car Stereo CD Receiver reviews before you decide to buy Sony CDXGT260MP Car Stereo CD Receiver. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this

Sony CDXGT260MP Car Stereo CD Receiver Reviews

Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Sony CDXGT260MP Car Stereo CD Receiver. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Customer Rating:
Rating: 3.0
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Sony CDXGT260MP Car Stereo CD Receiver

Sony CDXGT260MP Car Stereo CD Receiver Overview:

  • Detach face with LCD display and front aux input
  • MP3/WMA music file playback
  • EQ3 Stage 2 and 52 watt x 4 high power amplifier
  • 2 Volt rear/sub selectable preamp outputs with HPF/LPF
  • Radio Data System (RDS)

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Sony CDXGT260MP Car Stereo CD Receiver

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Sony CDXGT260MP Car Stereo CD Receiver Reviews
Customer Reviews
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1 of 18 people found the following review helpful:
3.0 out of 5 stars Hopefully this one won't get stolen..., January 17, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Sony CDXGT260MP Car Stereo CD Receiver (Electronics)
Some thugs stole my last car stereo and I decided to buy another one with a detachable face plate so I can take it off and hopefully discourage the trash from stealing it. My biggest complaint about this stereo is that it doesn't come with a case to carry the detachable front plate in. A case would make it much easier to carry around without scratching it.

Another problem is that it's very hard to detach this face plate. Lots of wiggling and holding a tiny button down while trying to take it off at the perfect angle.

It'll be a hassle taking the front plate off every time, especially since this doesn't have a case and is hard to detach.

If someone steals this one without the plate I guess I'll just have to give up on having a stereo in my car.
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